Şubat 2011 Yılında ziyaret ettiğimiz ASSOS/BATI KİLİSESİ'nden fotograflar:
Western Church: The Western Church is situated on the same terrace as the theater to the south. In the 1880s, this church was also excavated by Clarke and Bacon who introduced it with a brief published report containing a plan and drawings of the mosaics. The church was re-excavated in 1990. The church has a central nave with an apse at one end and one aisle on each side of the nave. A two-sectioned narthex must be added to the church’s ground plan drawn by Bacon. The narthex and the rooms at its front were divided by buttresses. Two of these pillars preserve the original covering of marble plaques in situ. The original threshold of the entrance to the central nave is also intact. The floor of the narthex was covered with square plaques and a parapet remaining from older periods. Lozenge-shaped spaces carved on this parapet were inlaid with various-colored marble pieces to obtain the appearance of an opus sectile-technique floor pavement.
The ground plan of the aisle to the north of the central nave is covered with stone plaques and the wall behind is divided by small arched niches. This unit might have been part of an existing Roman building. The floor of the northern aisle has a higher elevation than the central nave. The aisle on the south side of the central nave is narrower than the one on the north side and its floor level is lower than that of the central nave. This might have been dictated by the sloping topography of the area on which this church was built. There is no doubt that various-sized tone blocks observed in the walls of the church and the column capitals lying on the ground were taken from already existing Roman buildings. The columns lying on the floor of the aisles are of marble and andesite. One of these columns has a cross motif incised on it. Most of the cut-stones forming the arches were found within the building during excavations. One row of regular large stones can easily be noted within the wall of the semi-circular apse, though the interior of the apse was built of rubble.
The floors of the naos and bema are covered with mosaics and inscriptions. One of the mosaics is framed with a border containing ivy, floral and volute motifs. The central part of the mosaic is decorated with various-sized squares and lozenges, floral motifs,
and birds. According to the two lines of inscription on it, this mosaic was made by someone named Alypius. A motif formed
of medallions and lozenges joins the mosaics of the naos and bema together. According to the second inscription at the
west of naos, Satarnilus constructed this mosaic.
This large church also belongs to the 5th / 6th centuries AD on the basis of its architectural style.
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